Saturday, June 29, 2013

Diy toothpaste

Making toothpaste at home is simple and with ingredients you probably have in your pantry..
This is a healthier alternative to store bought paste and much cheaper too. Unlike the store bought toothpaste you don't have the chemicals and fluoride added witch is harmful for out healths and our kids. Click on the link to read the effects of fluoride..
So with that said lets go see what we will need for our toothpaste :

 3 tsp Stevia
6 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide
2 tablespoons coconut oil (warm enough to be liquid, which means above 76 degrees F)
10 drops peppermint, clove, or citrus pure essential oil
Put baking soda in a bowl, add the other ingredients and mix until you achieve a proper paste texture. Add a small amount of baking soda if it’s runny; add more coconut oil if it’s too dry. Taste, and add more essential oil if you want a more flavorful paste. Store in an opaque container (required to protect the hydrogen peroxide) and use as usual.
What I do with my container I take foil tape and cover the jar that I will store my toothpaste so it will be protected from sunlight, peroxide loses its effect when it's exposed to sunlight ..
And that is it.. 
You could add some glicerine if you like for more smoothness and sweetness.
Good luck.

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